Hibernate Core 3.3.0 goes GA
Hibernate 3.3.0.GA has been released. A big thanks to everyone who helped us get here.
Wesley Hales, JBoss Portlet Bridge lead, has posted the first in a three part series of tutorials on developing applications using Seam, RichFaces and the JBoss Portlet Container.
Seam Podcast up on DZone
DZone just posted an interview with me about Seam.
JBUG Munich
Just waiting for my flight back to Sweden after being invited to present Hibernate Search at the monthly JBUG Munich meeting. I was pleasantly suprised that despite school holidays a respectable crowd showed up for the meeting. The feedback was throughout positiv and hopefully there are now a few new Search convertees spreading the word in Munich.
Without much ado I am happy to announce the following releases:
Rich Faces 3.2.2 Beta 1 and Beta 2
We've started to build 3.2.2 betas.
Hibernate and Seam meeting in Tuscany
Last week we had the good fortune of having a Hibernate and Seam team meeting.
The RESTEasy project is an implementation of JAX-RS. I've just committed the docs for the first step of the integration into Seam. You need a nightly build of Seam 2.1 trunk (wait until tomorrow for updated docs in the nightly build) or better a current SVN trunk checkout.
I noticed that there have been a lot of JBoss Tools related news going on while I were on vacation (maybe I should stay on vacation ?)