Without much ado I am happy to announce the following releases:
We've started to build 3.2.2 betas.
Last week we had the good fortune of having a Hibernate and Seam team meeting.
The RESTEasy project is an implementation of JAX-RS. I've just committed the docs for the first step of the integration into Seam. You need a nightly build of Seam 2.1 trunk (wait until tomorrow for updated docs in the nightly build) or better a current SVN trunk checkout.
I noticed that there have been a lot of JBoss Tools related news going on while I were on vacation (maybe I should stay on vacation ?)
It has been a long time since an Hibernate Search release but we have not been lazy. We are pleased to announce 3.1.0 Beta1 with tons of new features and enhancements. This release uses Lucene 2.3.x and works with Hibernate Core 3.3, Hibernate Annotations 3.4 and Hibernate EntityManager 3.4. Here is a list of some of the major new features and enhancements:
On Monday afternoon I will be talking about Seam and Web Beans at the UK JBoss User Group in London.
Over on Thinking in Seam, I've been running a series on working with Google Maps using Seam and I thought it would be an idea to put the links to the series in order on here.
There has been a post or two regarding Seam and RESTeasy in the Seam forums, and the RESTeasy mailing list so I thought I would share my opinion as to where these technologies could fit together. I have been thinking about this since talking with Bill Burke at his JUG talk on RESTeasy.
Out of need, I recently contributed a data-flow analysis framework to javassist. The framework allows an application to determine, by inference, the type-state of the local variable table and stack frame at the start of every bytecode instruction. For those unfamiliar with the java bytecode format, a lot of information is lost once a java program is compiled, since it is not really needed when the program is executed, and leaving it out helps keep class files small.