I just got the word that JBoss Developer Studio 2 CR2 is now available for download for free from the beta download page or via the Customer Support Portal (CSP) (requires a subscription).
Many things in Eclipse require or uses a classpath, i.e. java projects, junit and server launches, hibernate console etc. For these classpath containers are handy to use instead of forcing users to individually pick the (possible long) list of jars needed to get their work done. A classpath container allow plugin providers to automatically create a group of jar's which can be added and removed in one operation - simple and efficient.
In the previous article we spoke about annoying issue of the Mojarra 2.0.0 PR when the empty attributes are rendered to the final html code. The issue was posted to the Mojarra project: https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=940
I'm pleased to announce the release of Web Beans 1.0.0.ALPHA2. This release implements around 80% of the JSR-299, Java Contexts and Dependency Injection specification and represents the second major milestone on the road towards the GA release. The only major features missing from this release are conversations (already on their way!) and support for annotating your beans using XML.
JBoss Tools 3 CR2 released
JBoss Tools 3 CR2 is ready! The next one will be GA.
Galder got a blog entry describing how to use Project Archives available in JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss Tools to build the rt.jar in OpenJDK.
Every JSF component has some specific attribute set unique for it. At the same time, almost all UI components have attributes that are common for all of them. For example, onclick, ondblclick, onblur, onmouseover, onmouseout, onmousedown and so on. They are named PassThru because they are rendered one-to-one to the final html layout.
A revised public draft of JSR-299 is now available. This draft was produced with input from several people from the EE 6 expert group and aims to address a number of criticisms surrounding the relationship between 299 and the rest of the EE platform.