Introduction to Seam talk at Maine JUG
I'll cover the basics of Seam and whats in store for the future. If the demo gods are smiling I will also be showing off seam-gen and reverse engineering a CRUD application as well.
JSR-299 presentation
I just got done presenting on JSR-299 at the SDC conference in Gotenborg, Sweden. Here's the latest slide set[1]!
RichFaces 3.3.1 BETA1 Available
RichFaces 3.3.1.BETA1 has been deployed to: jboss repository and ready for community preview.
Hibernate Validator 4.0.0 Alpha3
Hibernate Validator version 4.0.0 Alpha3 is of now available. This implementation is based on JSR 303 Specification 1.0.CR1[1]. The distribution packages contain everything you need to get started.
Adding to the stockpile of features that I've packed into seam-gen in recent months, I just committed a new seam-gen command that generates a front-end to Seam's identity management API (JBSEAM-3717). Identity management is one of the most significant additions to Seam in the Seam 2 code base. But since its just set of framework classes, you need something to tie it into your application to truly appreciate (or even give notice to) its potential.
JBoss Tools 3 is here!
After an alpha, a beta, 2 CR's and countless nightly builds I'm proud to present the JBoss Tools 3 release!
Using Maven with JBoss Tools
One of the most wanted feature requests for our tooling is Maven integration/support for our projects, such as Seam.
I finally got around to weaving my modifications for adding GlassFish support to seam-gen (documented here and here) into the Seam project (JBSEAM-1619). While working on integration the changes, I managed to close the few remaining gaps and also add support for JBoss AS 5!
Tattletale 1.0.BETA2 Released
JBoss Tattletale 1.0.Beta2 was released today featuring new reports and important bug-fixes.