Annotations 1.0.0.Alpha2 is out
Annotation 1.0.0.Alpha2 brings a lot of changes :)
The dust is settling around JSR-303 and we are happy to release Hibernate Validator 4.0.0.CR1. With this release we will be going into feature freeze, especially since we aligned it with JBoss AS 5.2 and Glassfish for integration.
RichFaces 3.3.2.CR1 Released
Maven, 2 years after
Let me preface this by saying up front that, yes, I am fed up with Maven. In the 2 years since I decided to switch Hibernate over to use Maven for its build tool I don't think that Maven has lived up to making builds any easier. Quite the contrary, in fact. Previously though there was not really been any other option. At that time ant/ivy combo was just starting to gain traction. Not to mention that I do like the notion of build-by-convention which Ant just does not provide.
Anil Saldhana just pointed out this article about how you can use JBoss Identity Management to provide SSO capabilities to your Seam application. It discusses a couple of approaches.
I'm happy to announce the availability of JBoss Annotations 1.0.0.Alpha1.