Steve mentioned in his Hibernate 3.5.0 Beta2 blog entry briefly the Hibernate Static Metamodel Generator Annotation Processor. Time to have a closer look what this annotation processor actually does.
Writing a properties file in Java?
I just noticed that CDI makes it possible to write properties files in Java, instead of plain text. I'm not sure if this is useful, but it is cute.
CDI Javadoc
I put a whole bunch of work into the Javadoc for CDI recently. You can see it here. There's a good overview of the spec in the package doc for javax.enterprise.inject.
Nick Belaevski is the RichFaces dev lead in Minsk and has officially joined the JSF 2.0 Expert Group (JSR-314) along with Alex Smirnov to represent RichFaces and Exadel. As many of you know Dan Allen and Pete Muir are also on the JSF 2.0 Expert Group representing Red Hat & JBoss. Together these 4 people along with the rest of the EG will continue to help advance JSF as a standard and a technology.
Hibernate Validator 4.0.2
Hibernate Validator 4.0.2 is now available for download. This release was necessary for the JCP integration efforts for JSR-303 and addresses a potential NullPointerException (HV-263). Refer to the 4.0.2 release notes for a full list of changes.
In my previous little rant, I showed you how to use @Alternative and alternative stereotypes to easily change bean implementations based upon deployment scenario. But that's not the end of the story. There's two other things I would sometimes like to be able to change at deployment time:
Suppose we have an external resource, a database, let's say, that we want to be able to change depending upon the deployment environment. In CDI, we declare resources using a producer field declaration.
It's not about dependency injection
I'm trying really hard to emphasize to the community that CDI and Weld are not just a dependency injection solution
. We did not come at this from the point of view of trying to solve dependency injection
, or of trying to build a better Spring
The second release towards JPA 2 support. Specific JPA 2 related enhancements from Beta-1 include:
JBoss JCA 1.0.0.Alpha5 is out
The 5th development snapshot of the JBoss JCA 1.6 container is out.