Modular dependencies
I'm pleased to announce the release of Weld 1.0.0 - the announcements have been flowing in over the last few days, but this is my favorite!
Mark Little, the CTO of JBoss, blogged about our vision for component models in JBoss platforms - he gives a great overview, describing how Seam (and JSR-299/Weld) will form the core programming model.
I've posted the CDI TCK 1.0.0 on seamframework.org. You can read the docs or download the TCK for your use.
Pace of change
The question of backward compatibility is something that all framework developers wrestle with. The term means different things to different people:
New MC DZone articles
It's been a while since the last blog entry and any MC DZone article. So, this entry is what will change this fact. :-)
JSR-299 Final Draft Submitted
Today, Red Hat submitted the final draft of JSR-299[1], which now goes under the moniker CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection), along with the Reference Implementation and TCK. Check out the spec[1] and Javadoc.
Bean Validation is voted YES!
Steve mentioned in his Hibernate 3.5.0 Beta2 blog entry briefly the Hibernate Static Metamodel Generator Annotation Processor. Time to have a closer look what this annotation processor actually does.