5th February several members of the RichFaces and JBoss Tools teams will be presenting at the Modern Java Technologies Workshop
in Minsk, Belarus.
There have been numerous questions in regards to the following statement made in a few places on the Hibernate website:
In terms of JPA 2, its really easier to start talking about things not yet implemented :) The set of missing features are defined by the unresolved subtasks of the following 2 Jira issues:
JBoss JCA 1.0.0.Alpha8
I'm happy to announce the 8th developer snapshot of the JBoss JCA project.
Tattletale 1.1.0.Beta3 is out
The third beta for the Tattletale, the Java dependency analyzer, 1.1 release is out.
First release of AuthorDoclet
End of last year I wrote about my first proof-of-concept with AuthorDoclet, a documentation tool I've been working on. It took me a while to get it into shape for a first release and I also had to make some conceptual changes once it was mature enough to compile its own manual.
CDI Interview at DZone
DZone did a short interview with me to go along with the recently released CDI Refcard. It's a bit on the short side, but it's a good concise overview of CDI for developers who might not get what it's all about yet. Enjoy!
When we released JBoss Developer Studio 2.1 we also announced its updatesite at https://devstudio.jboss.com/updates which is for all customers to use. If you are a 2.1 user you have been able to use it to update to JBoss Developer Studio 2.1.1 which includes some minor bug fixes.
Norman Richards has been busy working on a reference card for JSR-299: Contexts and Dependency Injection recently. DZone just published it so go and check it out!