JBoss JCA 1.0.0.Alpha10 is out
I'm happy to announce the 10th developer snapshot release of JBoss JCA 1.0.
JBoss Developer Studio 3
During EclipseCon we released JBoss Developer Studio 3
I apparently struck a nerve doing my talks yesterday at EclipseCon so due to popular demand I pushed my slides to Slideshare instead of keep emailing them.
Hibernate Validator 4.1.0.Beta1
Time has not been standing still for Hibernate Validator and I am happy to announce the 4.1.0.Beta1 release of Hibernate Validator. The focus towards the final 4.1.0 release is to add new custom constraints, provide enhancement which go beyond the Bean Validation specification and give the developers an annotation processor to verify the correct placement of constraints. You can see what is already implemented in this beta release by referring to the Jira release notes. The roadmap towards 4.1.0 can be seen here. On the custom constraint side we added @CreditCardNumber, @NotBlank and @URL and are planning to add @ScriptAssert for the next release. We also introduced a new interface ResourceBundleLocator which allows users to make a better use of ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator. Instead of just loading resource bundles from the classpath using ResourceBundle.getBundle, you can now provide a custom implementation of ResourceBundleLocator providing the ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator with the message resource bundles to use:
Ehcache 2.0, which was recently released, supports the new Hibernate 3.3/3.5 SPI with its CacheRegionFactory.
Help us select an Arquillian logo
Cool software projects have cool logos. We recently announced an alpha release of Arquillian, a project that's going to revolutionize Java EE integration testing. Now we need to make Arquillian cool :)
As promised, we're happy to announce another early release of a Seam 3 module, Seam XML 3.0.0 Alpha 1. The Seam XML module, contributed and led by Stuart Douglas, is a CDI portable extension that allows you to add, modify and extend CDI-discovered beans using XML as an alternative to annotations.
Hibernate.org migration
We are pleased to announce completion of the first phase of migrating Hibernate.org to what we feel will be a more stable, more collaborative and more friendly experience.
EclipseCon 2010 is getting close and JBoss by Red Hat is again sponsoring this yearly Eclipse focused event!