The Hibernate team is pleased to announce Hibernate Search 3.4 which comes with couple of new features most notably faceting: we are continuing the trend of 3.3 where the focus was on simplifying queries). But the bulk of the work has been around performance optimization, you should see the benefits in your applications especially when the domain model is getting complex.
Ceylon presentation: a clarification
There's a point I make in my Introducing the Ceylon Project presentation that's been widely misunderstood (perhaps mainly by people who're trying to misunderstand). Since I've been criticized over this in several venues, it merits a response. The offending statement is the following:
Ceylon on InfoQ
Alex Blewitt of InfoQ has published my answers to his questions about Ceylon.
So Marc Richards and then slashdot picked up on my presentations at InfoQ China. I wasn't quite expecting this level of exposure at this point, and I imagine that things will quiet down pretty quickly at least until we do an initial release of the compiler. All we have right now is a specification, an ANTLR grammar, and an incomplete type checker. Work on the backend bytecode generation is just beginning (though we'll be able to reuse a bunch of code from javac).
Seam Module Spotlight: Seam Catch
This is my first in.relation.to entry! Hello everyone, my name is Jason Porter, author of Seam Catch. You'll see more Seam 3 / CDI posts from me in the future, for now, let's get to our first Seam Module spotlight:
The Hibernate team has just released the 4.0.0.Alpha2 development release of Hibernate Core. Consult the full list of changes for all the details. Some specific changes of interest include:
The Hibernate team have released the 3.6.3.Final maintenance release of Hibernate Core. This is a minor maintenance release with bug fixes. As always, the release is available from both SourceForge in bundle form as well as the JBoss Nexus repository under the org.hibernate groupId.
We decided to insert another candidate release in the roadmap for two improvements which where too good to leave out
Next week I'll be doing a talk at Miracle Open World in Billund, Denmark called See Context & Dependency Injection from Java EE 6 in Action.