This is the final installment in a series of articles introducing the Ceylon language. Note that some features of the language may change before the final release.
I'm speaking about Ceylon on Thursday, June 23, at 10am at JAX in San Jose. My last conference presentation on the subject of Ceylon was well-received at the conference itself, but not when subsequently published online, leaving we with the impression that it wasn't very effective. So I'm taking a different tack this time.
In Introduction to Ceylon Part 8 we discussed Ceylon's support for defining higher order functions, in particular the two different ways to represent the type of a parameter which accepts a reference to a function. The following declarations are essentially equivalent:
We've talked quite a lot about union types, and even seen some of their many applications, but one thing I didn't mention is that they can be used as a kind of checked exception facility. Consider the following method declaration:
In Ceylon, the following class has an initializer with two locals:
This is the eleventh installment in a series of articles introducing the Ceylon language. Note that some features of the language may change before the final release.
I apologize for the day delay. Ran into a small issue with one of my Gradle plugins after upgrading Gradle for the Hibernate build. Now that that is all sorted...
I'll be talking at the Newcastle JBoss User Group on Tuesday evening. I'll be giving a pretty technical introduction to the CDI programming model and talking about how it fits into both the Java EE ecosystem and the JBoss platforms. I'll cover the updates we are planning in CDI 1.1. We'll keep the session pretty informal -- I'm looking forward to some good discussions!