Today, we published a new maintenance release of Hibernate ORM 6.2: 6.2.2.Final.
Hibernate Reactive 2.0.0.CR1 is now available!
Hibernate Reactive is finally compatible with Hibernate ORM 6.2 and Vert.x 4.4.
We will follow up with some more details, but if you want to check it, this is a good place to start.
Migrating from Hibernate ORM 5 to 6 was not an easy task, and would have not be possible without everybody’s help.
Thanks a lot!
Today, we published a new maintenance release of Hibernate ORM 6.2: 6.2.1.Final.
Hibernate 6.2 Final
Hibernate ORM 6.2.0 Final has just been released.
In many ways, this release marks the final step for the major forcus of 6.x centered around changing how Hibernate generates SQL. Many improvements in this release, as well as 6.0 and 6.1, have been implemented on top of this SQL AST work. As of 6.0 and 6.1, Hibernate used this SQL AST for loading state from the database. With 6.2, Hibernate also uses SQL AST for writing to the database.
Hibernate 6.2 CR4
Hibernate 6.2 CR3
Hibernate ORM 6.2.0.CR3 has just been released. It contains 64 resolutions, including 37 bug-fixes. Many of these improvements come directly from the excellent feedback and bug reports we continue to get from the community. Thank you again for the continued support and feedback!
Hibernate ORM version 6.2.0.Final
is around the corner, and the following post tries to shed some light
on one of the new features that comes with that release.
Hibernate ORM version 6.2.0.Final
is around the corner, and the following post tries to shed some light
on one of the new features that comes with that release.
We just published Hibernate Search 6.2.0.Alpha2, an alpha release of the next minor version of Hibernate Search.
This version brings simpler and
mass indexing for multiple tenants,
and a switch to UUIDs for identifiers in the outbox-polling
coordination strategy.
6.2.0.Alpha2 also includes many bugfixes and improvements,
compatibility with Elasticsearch 8.6 and OpenSearch 2.5,
an upgrade of -orm6
artifacts to Hibernate ORM 6.2.0.CR2,
and more.
Hibernate ORM version 6.2.0.Final
is around the corner, and the following post tries to shed some light
on one of the new features that comes with that release.