Introducing JBoss AS 6.0.0.M1
How do you follow the fantastic news of the week with the Java EE6 platform and CDI getting final approval ? How about a JBoss AS release that includes support for three key EE6 features: CDI, Bean Validation, and JSF 2?
Interview on DZone
DZone recently interviewed me about CDI and Weld. Please, no more jokes about the hat. I had a horrid morning that day and had to run off to the interview without a shower, breakfast or coffee.
The new EE ecosystem
I called EE 6 the beginning of a whole new ecosystem. Some of you guys are probably thinking this is hyperbole. Well, here's why I think it's possible.
The Java EE 6 platform, along with Contexts and Dependency Injection, Bean Validation, EJB 3.1, JPA 2 and Servlet 3 have just been approved by the JCP EC. This completely changes the landscape for people developing web and enterprise applications in Java. There's just so much to digest here, and so many problems that are finally solved. EE 6 is something of a new start, and the beginning of a whole new ecosystem. Congratulations!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Weld logo feedback :-)
Q&A on InfoQ
InfoQ has published a their questions and my answers about CDI and Weld.
EE 6 tsunami
I have been at a few conferences lately and the EE 6 wave is taking a bunch of people by surprise. Tsunami level 6. The last two examples are W-JAX and Devoxx.
A developer new to Java EE posted in the Weld forum asking for advice on getting started learning EE 6. I've decided to promote part of my response in the forum to the blog.
Pace of change
The question of backward compatibility is something that all framework developers wrestle with. The term means different things to different people: