I am currently the lead of the JBoss Application Server project. I am also a member of the JCP, and represent Red Hat on the future Java EE6 specification. During my tenure at JBoss, I have worked in many areas including the application server, clustering, web services, AOP, and security. My interests include concurrency, distributed computing, hardware and programming language design.
Why we need a real Web Profile
Recently the EE6 co-lead, Roberto Chinnici, blogged about the state of profiles in EE6, and requested feedback on which direction the group should take. This was also posted to InfoQ and TSS. Essentially we have a choice between two options:
RDBMS researchers attack MapReduce
I stumbled upon an interesting post by David J. DeWitt and Michael Stonebraker entitled MapReduce: A major step backwards
While there are many things I like about the Java language, the lack of unsigned types has always bothered me.