It’s my great pleasure to announce the release of Hibernate OGM 4.1.0.Beta7! The release brings support for MongoDB’s object id, a clarification of what are our public API/SPI packages as well as several bugfixes and many other improvements.
Sometimes life is full of surprises. And I can say I was quite surprised when I learned that Hibernate OGM has been nominated for this year's Duke's Choice Award.
It's my pleasure to announce a new release of Hibernate OGM.
I'm happy to announce a new release of Hibernate OGM.
Time for a new release of Hibernate OGM.
It's my great pleasure to announce the release of Hibernate OGM 4.1.0.Beta1! This version shines with:
After one month from the previous release we are happy to announce the new Hibernate OGM 4.0.0.Beta4.
Hibernate OGM 4 beta 3 is out
We have been very quiet on the announcement front for Hibernate OGM, but don't be fooled. Davide and Gunnar have been very busy bees and did bring significant foundation work for features that you will see in the next few months.
Past week I returned from my trip to Bengaluru, where we had one of our great developers conferences.