<queue-voice-of-god>In the beginning there was jdocbook-styles...</queue-voice-of-god>
I've had this idea for a while now about using XSDs in Facelets templates. I believe we should stop pretending that Facelets templates are XHTML documents and start treating them as unrestricted XML. This would give us the freedom to extend the XML dialect with XML Schema and take full advantage of the type enforcement, syntax recognition, and tooling support that XML Schema provides.
Prior to revision 2.0, the JavaServer Faces specification states that all dates and times should be treated as UTC, and rendered as UTC, unless a time zone is explicitly specified in the timeZone attribute of the <f:convertDateTime> converter tag. This is an extremely inconvenient default behavior. This open proposal, targeting the 2.1 release, extends the Locale configuration to accommodate a default time zone preference that is used by default when a date is rendered.
What methods belong on an entity?
Kinda tangentially related to this discussion, I'm often asked whether I believe in rich
domain models or anemic
domain models. I guess I'm pretty much ignorant as to what these terms really mean, since I've never seen a proper definition of either term.
Want to use Seam with Maven?
Since I posted that Seam was now available in Maven, both Michael Yuan and Wesley Hales have blogged about creating a Seam project with Maven, including automagically setting up Tomcat with JBoss Embedded (cool, huh!) and deploying the project to it.