I am currently the lead of the JBoss Application Server project. I am also a member of the JCP, and represent Red Hat on the future Java EE6 specification. During my tenure at JBoss, I have worked in many areas including the application server, clustering, web services, AOP, and security. My interests include concurrency, distributed computing, hardware and programming language design.
Why is JBoss AS 7 so fast?
The short answer is that it is designed around Ahmdahl's law (effective parallelization of work) as opposed to Moore's law (waiting for hardware with a faster clock rate). Almost every CPU powering desktops, laptops, and servers is now at least dual core, and the trend is rapidly expanding. The days of the frequency race are essentially over. So, now software must adapt to tap into the power of the hardware of today and tomorrow.
The 7 ^ 2 Heros of AS7
You may have heard that AS7 Final has been released! . I plan to say a lot about this, but before I do, I wanted to call attention to the many heroes whose contributions made this monumental release possible.
AS7 Beta Stream Begins!
I am happy to announce that last week we officially kicked off the beta stream for AS7. This will be a very rapid biweekly release schedule up until we hit CR. So expect to see a lot coming from us very quickly.
AS 7.0.0.Alpha1 released!
As AS6 has been getting closer to CR, we have recently started working on our new next generation application server. Last week, we just released an early alpha of this work, 7.0.0.Alpha1, code named Halloween
Git is awesome
Very rarely do I find a tool that doesn't have some issue I have to workaround (even minor). Even more rarely do I find a tool that continues to impress me beyond what I thought I needed.
AS 6.0.0.M3 released!
Last week we released the third milestone for AS6. One major improvement this release brings is a completely new high performance messaging implementation. HornetQ is available out of the box, all you have to do is setup your queues/topics and deploy any EE app using JMS. You can read more about this on Clebert's blog .
AS 6.0.0.M2 is here!
JBoss AS 6.0.0.M2 has just been released. A major highlight is that this release delivers three more key EE6 capabilities:
Introducing JBoss AS 6.0.0.M1
How do you follow the fantastic news of the week with the Java EE6 platform and CDI getting final approval ? How about a JBoss AS release that includes support for three key EE6 features: CDI, Bean Validation, and JSF 2?
I am happy to announce the 5.1.0.CR1 release of the JBoss Application Server! This is the first AS release to include Embedded JOPR, our new web-based administration console. We are hoping to get as much feedback as possible before releasing the final 5.1.0, so please try it out and tell us what you think.
Out of need, I recently contributed a data-flow analysis framework to javassist. The framework allows an application to determine, by inference, the type-state of the local variable table and stack frame at the start of every bytecode instruction. For those unfamiliar with the java bytecode format, a lot of information is lost once a java program is compiled, since it is not really needed when the program is executed, and leaving it out helps keep class files small.