Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.


The Okta developer blog published an article about using Hibernate with Spring Boot while also securing the application with OAuth 2.0.

Hibernate allows you to map the natural business key via the @NaturalId annotation. This article explains how to expose the Hibernate-specific natural identifier API via the Spring Data Repository contract.

If you need to map a given entity property to a JSON column, you can use the hibernate-types project as it provides support for both String and binary JSON column types. For more details about mapping a String property to a JSON column, check out this article.

If you’re using Hibernate with Spring Boot, this article explains various optimizations you can make to speed up application performance.

For our Korean readers, this article provides a list of resources you can use to learn more about Hibernate Performance Tuning.

When using JPA and Hibernate, you can call a database stored procedure using either the JPA StoredProcedureQuery or the Hibernate-specific ProcedureCall. This article explains how the underlying CallableStatement is handled by Hibernate and the best way to close the associated JDBC resources as soon as possible.

The Lombok frameworks can generate the equals, hashCode and toString methods on your behalf. However, for JPA entities, there are several considerations to keep in mind, and this article explains you the best way to generate equals and hashCode with Lombok when using JPA and Hibernate.

To declare the transaction boundaries declaratively, you can use the @Transactional annotation. This article explains how the @Transactional works in Spring and how to get the best out of it.

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