Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.


This article explains how JPA and Hibernate simplify data persistence.

Working up with Hibernate in Java EE or Spring is fairly easy since the bootstrap part is taken care of by the application server or by Spring. When using Java SE, you can still bootstrap JPA and Hibernate, and this article shows you how to do that.

For our Korean readers, this article explains how to fix the @GenerationType.AUTO performance issues when using MySQL with Spring Data JPA.

Data consistency models are not very easy to grasp, especially since it applies to both read-write visibility or multi-register atomic operations. This article aims to explain what Linearizability means and why it is a strong consistency model.

When mapping a ZonedDateTime, it’s better to set the hibernate.jdbc.time_zone configuration property as well, as explained in this article.

By default, many database systems run in weaker isolation levels, and for this reason, data anomalies are permitted. This article explains the Dirty Read phenomenon and, even if most of the time this anomaly is not desirable, sometimes it’s the only way to track the progress of a concurrent transaction.

This article shows you how to use programmatic transactions in the Spring TestContext framework.

Time to upgrade

There were several Hibernate project releases since the last newsletter:

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