This is the second Beta release in the Hibernate ORM 5.3 family. 5.3 represents a JPA 2.2 compatible version on top of 5.2. Beta2 is mainly minor bug-fixes and improvements. Changes of note include:

  • Move to Bintray for artifact publishing. This move has been long-planned, and we finally were finally able to implement it. From Bintray the artifacts are synced to both JCenter and Maven Central.

  • New Agroal-based ConnectionProvider

  • The issues with documentation uploading have been resolved, so documentation for 5.3 is now available from the doc server. See the ORM documentation page.

See Jira for the complete list of changes

See the downloads page for details on obtaining this release

NOTE : I actually did the release last Wednesday as scheduled, but have been very sick and am just getting around to doing these ancilary tasks. I apologize for the delay

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