Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.

Website new look

The Hibernate website has got a new look. We hope you like it as well.


We managed to publish two interviews with two very special guests:

  • Rafael Ponte, a very experienced Java developer, speaker, blogger, and trainer from Brazil, and

  • Lukas Eder, Java Champion, SQL aficionado, and the creator of jOOQ.

Enjoy reading them, and, if you want to share your awesome story about database systems, JPA, Hibernate, or anything interesting about data, just ping us, and you can be the star of our next interview.


For our French-speaking readers, Ippon has published a very good blog post about performance tuning a Spring Data JPA application.

While Hibernate ORM has long been supporting theta-style joins for unrelated entities in JPQL or HQL, since 5.1, you can now even outer join unrelated entities. Check out this article for more details.

Michael Simons, whom we interviewed a while ago, wrote an article about running Hibernate Search with Elastic Search on Pivotal CF.

Now that Hibernate ORM 5.2.12 has been released, you might want to learn more about the change we’ve made for handling literals when executing Criteria API queries.

Ondro Mihályi explains what JPQL extensions are available when using JPA 2.1. If you are using Java EE 7, then you should definitely know more about the JOIN ON clause.

If you are using MySQL with JPA and Hibernate, you should check these 9 High-Performance Tips which will help you run your data access layer at warp-speed.

Time to upgrade

One of the biggest advantages of using our Hibernate products is the very short release cycle. Since our last newsletter, we have been released:

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