Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.


Have you ever been curious how a Hibernate Pull Request gets integrated?

Check out this video and find out how we rebase, squash, and amend commits so that we get a nice git log history.

One of the greatest benefits of using a relational database system is the high level of data integrity provided by the concurrency control mechanisms. However, database isolation levels are not enough when you span the application-level logical transaction on multiple physical database transactions. This video shows you how to handle the lost update anomaly even on long-running web conversations.

If you liked it, then don' forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’ll release a new video every week, so stay tuned for more.


If you want to use Hibernate with the IBM Liberty Profile, then you should definitely read this article featured on the Bluemix blog.

For our Portuguese readers, Rafael Ponte, who is a well-known JPA and Hibernate aficionado from Brazil, has put up a blog post about the Lost Update anomaly and how to fix it when using Oracle ADF, JPA, and Hibernate.

If you are using Enums, check out this article which shows you the best way to map Java Enums with JPA and Hibernate.

This article explains why some Java 1.8 Stream methods are not very suitable when using JPA. On the same topic, you should also read this article because it demonstrates that SQL-level pagination is more efficient than JDBC ResultSet scrolling.

If you’ve been using Hibernate long enough, then you surely must have seen this WARN log message when doing pagination while join fetching multiple entities:

HHH000104: firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory! In this article, I’m going to show a very elegant solution to fix this issue.

In this article, I’m going to show a very elegant solution to fix this issue.

Time to upgrade

Hibernate ORM 5.2.11 has been released with many new features and fixes as well.

Hibernate Search 5.8.0 is out, so grab it while it’s hot.

Questions and answers

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