We just released the Bean Validation 2.0 release train (e.g. the specification, the API and the TCK) for the Final Approval Ballot and, as usual, we release a compatible version of Hibernate Validator shortly after: here comes Hibernate Validator 6.0.0.CR3.

What’s new since CR2

As the final release of Bean Validation is getting closer, we mainly focused on keeping up with the latest spec clarifications and improving a few things here and there.

Here are the highlights of this release:

  • We removed the support for constraints and cascading on container elements of arrays as we decided to not include it in the spec. Basically, it was not possible to be backward compatible with Bean Validation 1.1 and introduce this support, considering how array annotations are handled according to the JLS. As we don’t think there’s much traction for it, we stayed on the safe side for now.

  • It is now possible to use expression language in OSGi environments without having to specify an external class loader: no more headaches trying to get the javax.el based message interpolation working!

  • Speaking of OSGi, Toni Menzel contributed a fix to the Paranamer Karaf feature. Thanks!

The complete list of fixed issues can be found in the release notes.

Getting 6.0.0.CR3

To get the release with Maven, Gradle etc. use the GAV coordinates org.hibernate.validator:{hibernate-validator|hibernate-validator-cdi|hibernate-validator-annotation-processor}:6.0.0.CR3. Note that the group id has changed from org.hibernate (Hibernate Validator 5 and earlier) to org.hibernate.validator (from Hibernate Validator 6 onwards).

Alternatively, a distribution bundle containing all the bits is provided on SourceForge (TAR.GZ, ZIP).

What’s next?

So, once the Bean Validation 2.0 gets approved, we will release the final of Hibernate Validator 6.0.0.

Until then, we will work on completing the documentation.

Feedback, issues, ideas?

To get in touch, use the usual channels:

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