Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.


Don’t miss our Hibernate developer interviews with Christian Beikov and Simon Martinelli.

If you like our interviews, then we have good news since we are going to interview many developers that are a constant inspiration for our Java community.


If you plan on using Apache Ignite, check out this article about using Hibernate OGM when operating with a JPA-based Domain Model.

Database streaming is usually associated with large data set processing. However, there is a price to pay for using streaming. This article explains why pagination might be a better option in many batch processing use cases.

Blaze Persistence offers many complementary features to standard JPA Criteria API. In this post, Christian Beykov explains why you should use Entity Views when fetching data.

Flemming Harms wrote a very good article about integrating JPA with Apache Camel.

Thorben Janssen shows you how you can generate the database schema from JPA entities. While this is fine for generating an initial migration script, in reality, you need incremental migration scripts that are managed by a tool like Flyway. Check out this article for more info.

Multitenancy is a very powerful concept, and JavaEE 8 might standardize this technique. Meanwhile, you can use Hibernate ORM as explained in this article.

IntelijIDEA 2016.3 offers a very nice console for running JPQL queries and visualizing query results. Check out this article for more info.

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