Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.


If you are using a specific database catalog and schema, then you should definitely know about this little Hibernate trick to resolve the currently used catalog and schema from within any native SQL query.

One very good article that I found is this 2009 paper, Scaling Hibernate Applications with Postgres which is still relevant today.

If you plan on using PostgreSQL table partitioning with Hibernate, check out this post for some very good tips.

Thorben Janssen wrote an article about 6 Hibernate features that are not yet supported by JPA.

If you want to know how you can call MySQL stored procedures and functions from JPA and Hibernate, check out this article.

Time to upgrade

Hibernate ORM 5.2.4 and Hibernate Validator 5.3.1 have been released with many improvements and bug fixes.

Liquibase, which offers automatic schema management, has released a new version which supports Hibernate 5.

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