Hibernate OGM is not maintained anymore

It’s my pleasure to announce the first Alpha release of Hibernate OGM 5!

This release is based on Hibernate ORM 5.0 Final which we released just last week. The update should be smooth in general, but you should be prepared for some changes if you are bootstrapping Hibernate OGM manually through the Hibernate API and not via JPA. If you are using Hibernate OGM on WildFly, you need to adapt your application to the changed module/slot name of the Hibernate OGM core module which has changed from org.hibernate:ogm to org.hibernate.ogm:main.

Check out the Hibernate OGM migration notes to learn more about migrating from earlier versions of Hibernate OGM to 5.x. Also the Hibernate ORM migration guide is a recommended read.

Experimental support for Redis

Hibernate OGM 5 brings tech preview support for Redis which is a high-performance key/value store with many interesting features.

A huge thank you goes out to community member Mark Paluch for this fantastic contribution! Originally started by Seiya Kawashima, Mark took up the work on this backend and delivered a great piece of work in no time. Looking forward to many more of his contributions to come!

The general mapping approach is to store JSON documents as values in Redis. For instance consider the following entity and embeddables:

public class Account {

    private String login;
    private String password;
    private Address homeAddress;

    // getters, setters etc.
public class Address {

    private String street;
    private String city;
    private String zipCode;
    private String country;
    private AddressType type;

    // getters, setters etc.
public class AddressType {

    private String name;

    // getters, setters etc.

This will be persisted into Redis as a JSON document like this under the key "Account:piere":

    "homeAddress": {
        "country": "France",
        "city": "Paris",
        "postalCode": "75007",
        "street": "1 avenue des Champs Elysees",
        "type": {
            "name": "main"
    "password": "like I would tell ya"

Refer to the Redis chapter of the reference guide to learn more about this new dialect and its capabilities. It is quite powerful already (almost all tests of the Hibernate OGM backend TCK pass) and there is support for using it in WildFly, too.

While JSON is a popular choice for storing structured data amongst Redis users, we will investigate alternative mapping approaches, too. Specifically, one interesting approach would be to store entity properties using Redis hashes. This poses some interesting challenges, though, e.g. regarding type conversion (only String values are supported in hashes) as well as handling of embedded objects and associations.

So if you are faced with the challenge of persisting object models into Redis, give this new backend a try and let us know what you think, open feature requests etc.

Improved mapping of Map properties

Map-typed entity properties are persisted in a more natural format now in MongoDB (and also with the new Redis backend). The following shows an example:

public class User {

    private String id;

    @MapKeyColumn(name = "addressType")
    private Map<String, Address> addresses = new HashMap<>();

    // getters, setters etc.

In previous versions of Hibernate OGM this would have been mapped to a MongoDB document like this:

    "id" : 123,
    "addresses" : [
        { "addressType" : "home", "addresses_id" : 456 },
        { "addressType" : "work", "addresses_id" : 789 }

This is not what one would expect from a document store mapping, though. Therefore Hibernate OGM 5 will create the following, more natural representation instead:

    "id" : 123,
    "addresses" : {
        "home" : 456,
        "work" : 789

This representation is more concise and should improve interoperability with other clients working on the same database. If needed - e.g. for migration purposes - you can enforce the previous mapping through the hibernate.ogm.datastore.document.map_storage property. Check out the reference guide for the details.

The optimized mapping is currently only applied if the map key comprises a single column which is of type String. For other types, e.g. Long or composite map keys the previous mapping is used since JSON/BSON only supports field names which are strings.

An open question for us is whether other key column types should be converted into a string or not. If for instance the addresses map was of type Map<Long, Address> one could think of storing the map keys using field names such as "1", "2" etc. Let us know whether that’s something you’d find helpful or not.

Support for multi-get operations

One of the many optimizations in Hibernate ORM is batch fetching of lazily loaded entities. This is controlled using the @BatchSize annotation. So far, Hibernate OGM did not support batch fetching, resulting in more round trips to the datastore than actually needed.

This situation has been improved by introducing MultigetGridDialect which is an optional "capability interface" that Hibernate OGM backends can implement. If a backend happens to support this contract, the Hibernate OGM engine will take advantage of it and fetch entities configured for lazy loading in batches, resulting in a better performance.

At the moment the new Redis backend makes use of this, with the MongoDB and Neo4j backends following soon.

Upgrade to MongoDB driver 3.0

We have upgraded to version 3.0 of the MongoDB driver. Most users of Hibernate OGM should not be affected by this but down the road this will allow us for some nice performance optimizations and support of some new functionality.

Together with the driver update we have reorganized the connection-level options of the MongoDB backend. All String, int and boolean MongoDB client options can be configured now through the hibernate.ogm.mongodb.driver.* namespace:


These options will be passed on to MongoDB’s client builder as-is. Note that the previously existing option hibernate.ogm.mongodb.connection_timeout has been removed in favor of this new approach.

Where can I get it?

You can retrieve Hibernate OGM 5.0.0.Alpha1 via Maven etc. using the following coordinates:

  • org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-core:5.0.0.Alpha1 for the Hibernate OGM core module

  • org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-<%BACKEND%>:5.0.0.Alpha1 for the NoSQL backend you want to use, with <%BACKEND%> being one of "mongodb", "redis", "neo4j" etc.

Alternatively, you can download archives containing all the binaries, source code and documentation from SourceForge.

Als always we are looking forward to your feedback very much. The change log tells in detail what’s in there for you. Get in touch through the following channels:

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