I'm happy to announce a new release of Hibernate OGM.
The MongoDB backend now supports the MongoDB CLI syntax for native queries. In Neo4j, we have solved a bug related to the way we store embedded collections (OGM-549) and we now create only one relationship for bidirectional associations. We have also worked on the compatibility with WildFLy 8.1. You can find more details about this release on JIRA.
As always, you can either download a release bundle from SourceForge or retrieve the JARs from the JBoss Nexus repository server using Maven, Gradle etc. The GAV coordinates are:
- org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-core:4.1.0.Beta4 for the OGM engine and
- org.hibernate.ogm:hibernate-ogm-<datastore>:4.1.0.Beta4, depending on the backend you want to use.
Support for MongoDB CLI syntax
You can now specify queries using the MongoDB CLI syntax as shown in the following example:
class Poem {
String name;
String author;
String poemsQuery = "db.Poem.find({'$query': { 'author': 'Oscar Wilde' }, '$orderby': { 'name': 1 }})";
EntityManager em = ...
List<Poem> oscarWildePoems = (List<Poem>)em.createNativeQuery( poemsQuery, Poem.class )
Currently only find() and count() queries are supported via the CLI syntax.
One relationship for bidirectional associations
In Neo4j, it is possible to navigate a relationship in both directions at the same speed. We moved to a more natural mapping using one relationship (instead of two) for a bidirectional association.
What's next?
For the Neo4j backend, we plan to make the mapping for one-to-one relationships more natural, remove redundant properties and translate JP-QL queries into native Cypher queries.
We will also work on the generation of error reports with the failed operations on non-transactional db.
You're very welcome to raise your voice on the mailing list, ask questions in the forum or report any bugs or feature requests in the issue tracker.