I am happy to announce Hibernate Validator 5.1.0.CR1, hopefully (fingers crossed) the last release prior Final. We used the release for last adjustments and some bug fixes.

On the bug fix side, we addressed issues with the CDI integration (HV-858), EL message interpolation (HV-834) and validated value unwrapping in conjunction with Validator#validateValue and Validator#validateProperty (HV-860).

We also gave @Mod10Check and @Mod11Check a final overhaul and made the parameter naming more consistent and changed the semantics of startIndex, endIndex and checkDigitIndex. They are now all inclusive and always relative to the original validated value, indepent of ignoreNonDigitCharacters. If you are already using these new constraints, I recommend you review the linked Javadocs to understand the updated semantics.

Last but not least, we added yet another checksum related constraint - @EAN. It allows you to validate International Article Numbers (EAN-13 and EAN-8).

The full change log can be found here. Maven artefacts are on the JBoss Maven repository under the GAV org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:5.1.0.CR1 and distribution bundles are available on SourceForge.

Feedback and questions are always welcome via the Hibernate Validator forum or on stackoverflow using the hibernate-validator tag.


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