Unless you've been living under a rock for the past week, then you'll have seen that Red Hat just added support for JBoss AS 7 on OpenShift (both Express and Flex).

Why should you care?
- OpenShift is the first PaaS to offer Java EE 6 support
- OpenShift Express is 100% free, and allows you to run as many non-clustered applications you want on JBoss AS 7
- OpenShift Express offers neat management of your apps via Git, including a source compilation mode
- OpenShift Flex gives you much more freedom, including the ability to run clustered applications, and offers monitoring and automatic scaling.
- OpenShift Flex is free, but you need to provide the EC2 instances. However Red Hat is offering a free 1 month/30 hour trial, so there is no reason not to check it out right now
- JBoss AS 7 implements the Java EE 6 web profile, with all the benefits of the excellent CDI-based programming model it offers. It's very snappy to use, so deploying apps is quick
How can you learn more?
This week we've been pushing out material like crazy. If you want to give Java EE 6 in the cloud a try check out these resources:
- Getting Started with OpenShift Express [Windows | Fedora | Mac ]
- Using Java EE 6 on OpenShfit Express
- Mobile to Cloud in 4 minutes using OpenShift Express
- Use Seam in OpenShift Express [ Blog | Screencast ]
- JBoss on OpenShift Overview
- JBoss AS 7 on OpenShift Express
- Using Infinispan with CDI on OpenShift Express
To find out more, check out jboss.org.