JBoss JCA 1.0.0.Alpha9 is out

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I'm happy to announce that the JCA team have shipped our 9th developer snapshot of the 1.0 series.

Full release notes are here.


This snapshot features a WorkManager which is backed by the JBoss Threads project.

The WorkManager reference two separate threads pools; one for short running tasks and one for long running tasks. You should set the HintsContext.LONGRUNNING_HINT if your Work instance is in the latter category.

Through our vendor specific metadata file - jboss-ra.xml - you can now select which BootstrapContext that your resource adapter will use. This will give you the ability to create different BootstrapContext configurations; f.ex. a bootstrap context which uses threads with a high priority and another with threads using a low priority.

Furthermore we have made some changes that will provide better scaling when deploying multiple resource adapter within the same container.

We believe that only full SecurityContext support is missing from the implementation at this point. So send us your feedback on our WorkManager implementation.


This release also features the initial version of our standalone resource adapter validator tool. You can now execute the validator against your resource adapter by

java -jar jboss-jca-validator.jar myra.rar

In future releases we will look at how we can make it easier to use the standalone validator - and of course we will provide Apache Ant and Apache Maven plugins for the tool too.

If you want to help out with improving usability - and get your use-cases covered - for the tool drop by our forum.

The Road Ahead

The EE6 TCK is still our priority, so we will continue down that road - but be sure to send us feedback on your use-cases.

For Those About to Rock, We Salute You !

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