5th February several members of the RichFaces and JBoss Tools teams will be presenting at the Modern Java Technologies Workshop
in Minsk, Belarus.
From the RichFaces team Nick Belaevski and myself will be discussing Java Server Faces 2.0, and then two topics on RichFaces 3.3.X and 4.0.X.
Full list of Topics:
- Java Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform (Seam 3 and Weld overviews) by Maksim Kaszynski
- JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.0 by Ilya Shaikovsky and Nick Belaevski
- RichFaces 3.x & JSF 1.2 by Ilya Shaikovsky
- RichFaces 4.x & JSF 2.0 by Nick Belaevski
- Jboss Developer studio overview by Maxim Areshkau
- Visual Page Editor in JBoss Tools by Yahor Radtsevich
- Hibernate Tools in JBDS by Denis Maliarevich
If you are in the area this sounds like a fantastic day of presentations and topics for anyone interested in the latest Java technologies!