Tattletale 1.1.0.Beta2 is out

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The second beta for the Tattletale, the Java dependency analyzer, 1.1 release is out.

All users should upgrade to this release.

Full release notes are here.

Build environment

The major focus of this release was to fully support the Apache Ant and Apache Maven build environments. Furthermore it is now possible to specify all configuration parameters directly in the plugins instead of using the configuration file.

See the user guide for further information about how to integrate Tatteltale into your build environment.

Apache Ant

Use the report task, like

<tattletale:report source="${jar.dir]" destination="${report.dir}"/>

Apache Maven

Use the report mojo, like

  <!-- The version of the plugin you want to use -->
    <!-- This is the location which will be scanned for generating tattletale reports --> 
    <!-- This is where the reports will be generated -->

New report

This release add the

  • Circular Dependency

report, which will let you find circular dependencies within your project. The time has come to split those archives into a proper structure !

The Road Ahead

The next development cycle will focus on integration with a Hudson environment, so if you want to help drop by our forum.

For Those About to Rock, We Salute You !

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