I have been at a few conferences lately and the EE 6 wave is taking a bunch of people by surprise. Tsunami level 6. The last two examples are W-JAX and Devoxx.
The Java EE 6 university talk was packed. And when you know the capacity of Devoxx's rooms that's really impressive! Kudos to Antonio and Alexis for managing expectations during they lecture.
The JSF 2 and the Java EE 6 BoFs were basically full as well.
Keynote on Java EE 6, full day tracks on EE 6 and EJB: full. An EJB session full, WTF? What's going on?
What we are seeing is Java EE 6 and its Web profiles are becoming the hot topic of the day. If I was a proprietary web application stack, in Java or not, I would be very scared:
- JSF 2 becomes actually usable
- CDI (JSR-299) brings injection, context management and framework portability across the SE and EE platforms
- Bean Validation integrates validation from the presentation down to the data layer
- JAX-RS is simply awesome when you want to expose REST APIs
- EE 6 looks like a platform designed by a single person, heresy!
and many more features are invading the EE landscape.
I know it sounds like a blog written by some marketing borg but I have a few counter arguments to that:
- did you see any forward-looking statement in this blog?
- seriously, that's just happening (I am especially excited about CDI's portable extensions Gavin has been blogging about lately).