Papaki 1.0.0.Beta1 is out

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I'm very happy to announce the first beta release of the Papaki project - formerly known as JBoss Annotations.

Papaki is Greek slang for the '@' character and therefore very fitting for the new project name :)

This release implements all major use-cases in the annotation space, so we are now looking for feedback if additional functionality is needed.

The release

The release includes major updates to both the core functionality of the library and the annotation indexer.

Core changes:

  • Support for parameter level annotations
  • Add support for a scanning configuration

Indexer changes:

  • Ability to exclude annotations from the repository
  • Added a HTML report for the annotations found

The full release notes are here.

The release of Papaki is also available in our Maven2 repository.

For Those About to Rock, We Salute You !

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