- rich:beanValidator component
It could be used to register model-based constraints defined Hibernate validators for the component.
- rich:ajaxValidator component
a4j:support like component which enables validation according to some event on parent component. Also registers model-based Hibernate Validators on parent component.
- rich:graphValidator component
The component register model-based Hibernate Validators for some subtree. it also could be used in order to fire the whole bean validation including fields which are not used on the page.
- rich:extendedDataTable component
The component is contributed to Rich Faces from the community. It extends rich:dataTable with additional features - manageable selection of rows, columns reordering, grouping by columns and etc..
Component is implemented on the top of jQuerry hotKey plugin. It allows to register JS callbacks on some hot keys as for the page either as for separate components.
- State Manager API component
It allows to define set of states for the page and navigate between these states using standard JSF navigation.
- Tree Drag and Drop API component
TreeAPI extended in order to provide convenient D'n'D feature usage as inside the Tree either as between the trees and other page components
- DarkX and GlassX skins created using plug'n'skin feature
Step by step components creation guideline with general CDK features explanations available together with the RF developer guide.
- Samples and articles for all the new features and components mentioned above are also created and available online.
You can download 3.2.2 GA from the official download page at Rich Faces downloads
Thank you everyone who posted feedback on the RichFaces forum and submitted jira issues.