Hibernate Search is a library that integrates Hibernate ORM with Apache Lucene or Elasticsearch by automatically indexing entities, enabling advanced search functionality: full-text, geospatial, aggregations and more. For more information, see Hibernate Search on hibernate.org.

Berlin Buzzwords coming soon

I'll be at Berlin Buzzwords 2012, to meet with the awesome community of people interested in scalable search, NoSQL and bigdata in the cloud.

Infinispan Lucene Directory

Of particular interest to Hibernate Search and Infinispan Query users and contributors, I've been given the opportunity to talk about the Infinispan Lucene Directory we built as an extension to the Infinispan project: the capability to store and efficiently replicate Lucene indexes in the Infinispan grid. Of course, this Directory implementation doesn't depend on Hibernate Search or Infinispan Query and can be used to solve the reliable replication problem with Lucene indexes in any other application using Lucene. In fact its development was initially sponsored by Sourcesense to replicate JIRA instances and is now evolving in the Infinispan project as a high performance alternative to the traditional Directory implementations.. for more details come to my talk or come talking to me at any time.

The conference

It's the first time for me to go to Berlin Buzzwords, but I've heard excellent feedback from the past editions so I'm really looking forward it: the program is full of amazing titles, and many interesting speakers and no doubt attendees to talk with.

About other JBoss people going, you might meet Mircea Markus from the Infinispan team and Lukáš Vlček our ElasticSearch expert and the man behind our new search.jboss.org.

Looking forward to meet you all there!

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