Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.


Michael Simons wrote a very good article about using Hibernate Search with Elasticsearch on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

On our blog, I wrote an article about configuring Hibernate to use a custom timezone (e.g. UTC) that’s different than the default JVM one.

For our Russian-speaking readers, Николай Алименков has written a very good post about Hibernate usage scenarios. Nikolai is one of the organizers of JEEConf, and together with Igor Dmitriev, they gave several presentations about Hibernate performance tuning.

If you want to learn what is the best way to handle the infamous LazyInitializationException, check out this article.

Alejandro Gervasio wrote a very good article, Persisting Java Objects the Easy Way on SitePoint.

Hibernate offers a very various ways to load entity attributes lazily. Check out this article for more details.

Thomas Kratz has written a very article about using Hibernate JSON types with Kotlin.

When developing Hibernate, we are using the hibernate-testing module to simplify Session/Transaction management, as described in this article. The hibernate-testing library is available on Maven Central, so it’s very easy to make use of it in your project. Happy testing!


Patrycja Wegrzynowicz gave a very interesting presentation at Java One about Second-level Caching. The presentation goes from defining what response time is and how you can level it up using caching. At the end of the presentation, Patrycja discusses how Ehacache and Infinispan implement the Hibernate second-level caching contract.

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