Hibernate ORM 4.2.12.Final was just released! Please see the full changelog for more information: https://hibernate.atlassian.net/issues/?jql=project=10031+AND+fixVersion=16350.

As previously mentioned, 4.3.x is the new stable version and we have shifted focus towards ORM 5.

Another 4.2.x release was necessary due to a few important fixes:

  • HHH-9107: a regression in 4.2.11 broke reading entities from the 2LC under certain circumstances (involving polymorphism)
  • HHH-4700, HHH-6747, and HHH-9100: improved/corrected CASE and CAST statements in HQL
  • HHH-7971: enabling ENABLE_LAZY_LOAD_NO_TRANS would clear collections if they were accessed outside of a transaction
  • HHH-9071: Proxy narrowing loses the initialized state of the original proxy
  • HHH-9078: corrected the use of @OrderColumns on ToMany cascading

JBoss Nexus: https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/org/hibernate
Maven Central: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/hibernate/hibernate-core (should update in a couple of days)
SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernate/files/hibernate4
Downloads: 4.2.12.Final ZIP, 4.2.12.Final TGZ

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