Hibernate Search is a library that integrates Hibernate ORM with Apache Lucene or Elasticsearch by automatically indexing entities, enabling advanced search functionality: full-text, geospatial, aggregations and more. For more information, see Hibernate Search on hibernate.org.

We are pleased to announce the release of Hibernate Search 7.2.0.Final.

Compared to Hibernate Search 7.1, this version contains many improvements to the Search DSL, including new projection types, new predicates, enhancements to the existing ones, query parameters, and more.

This version also includes the license change to Apache License 2.0, which will be the project license moving forward.

It upgrades to Hibernate ORM 6.6, introduces compatibility with OpenSearch 2.14, 2.15 and 2.16, as well as compatibility with Elasticsearch 8.14 and 8.15.

What’s new compared to Hibernate Search 7.1

For a summary of all new features and improvements since 7.1, head to the dedicated page on hibernate.org.

Dependency upgrades

Hibernate ORM (HSEARCH-5219)

Hibernate Search now depends on Hibernate ORM 6.6.0.Final.

Lucene (HSEARCH-5184)

The Lucene backend now uses Lucene 9.11.1.

OpenSearch (HSEARCH-5181)/(HSEARCH-5151)/(HSEARCH-5218)

The Elasticsearch backend now is compatible with OpenSearch 2.14/2.15/2.16 as well as with other versions that were already compatible.

OpenSearch 2.16 has introduced a problem with range aggregations, where the results of the aggregation may be incorrect due to search query being ignored. The OpenSearch team is aware of the issue and is working on fixing it. Consider this when deciding to do the 2.16 upgrade.

Elasticsearch (HSEARCH-5164)/(HSEARCH-5220)

The Elasticsearch backend now is compatible with Elasticsearch 8.14/8.15 as well as with other versions that were already compatible.


knn predicate updates

The OpenSearch 2.14 release introduced a way to apply score/similarity filters to a knn query. This means that previous limitations imposed on the vector search filtering when using the OpenSearch distribution of the Elasticsearch backend are now removed. It is worth mentioning that because of how this filter is implemented on the OpenSearch side, applying the similarity filter will result in ignoring the k value.

The knn predicate, besides the existing .requiredMinimumSimilarity(..) filter, now also has a score-based alternative: requiredMinimumScore(..). With knn search, similarity and score are derived one from the other, and in some scenarios, it may be simpler to use score, while in others — similarity.

To remind you how the vector search works: for vector fields to be indexed, they should be annotated with a @VectorField annotation:

public class Book {

    private Integer id;

    @VectorField(dimension = 512)
    private float[] coverImageEmbeddings;

    // Other properties ...

Then, searching for vector similarities is performed via a knn predicate:

float[] coverImageEmbeddingsVector = /*...*/

List<Book> hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
.where( f ->
    f.knn( 5 ) (1)
        .field( "coverImageEmbeddings" ) (2)
        .matching( coverImageEmbeddingsVector ) (3)
        .requiredMinimumSimilarity( similarity ) (4)
).fetchHits( 20 );
1 Provide the number of similar documents to look for.
2 Specify the name of the vector field.
3 Provide a reference vector; matched documents will be the ones whose indexed vector is "most similar" to this vector.
4 Specify the minimum required similarity between the reference and indexed vectors; documents where indexed vector similarity is less than the specified similarity value will be filtered out. Alternatively, the requiredMinimumScore( score ) filter can be applied instead of the requiredMinimumSimilarity( similarity ).

See this section of the reference documentation on vector fields and the one on a knn predicate for more information.

Prefix predicate

The prefix predicate matches documents for which a given field has a value starting with a given string.

List<Book> hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
    .where( f -> f.prefix().field( "description" )
        .matching( "rob" ) )
    .fetchHits( 20 );

See this section of the reference documentation on the prefix predicate for more information.

ValueConvert gets deprecated

The Search DSL has been using ValueConvert enum to let the user specify how the values in search queries have to be converted, be it the ones passed to the predicates/aggregations/sorts or the ones returned by projections/aggregations. Moving forward, to better support new use cases and bring better clarity on the expectations, this enum is replaced with the new one: ValueModel. At the moment ValueModel provides these options:


This is the default model that allows working with the types as defined on the entity side.


This model does not apply conversion and allows working with the types as defined on the index side.


This model applies formatting and parsing allowing working with the string representation of values.


This model does not apply conversion and allows working with the types that the backend operates with on a low level.

For each deprecated method accepting the ValueConvert input, there is now an alternative that accepts ValueModel instead. Replace ValueConvert.YES with ValueModel.MAPPING and ValueConvert.NO with ValueModel.INDEX in your code where the values were set explicitly.

See this section of the reference documentation on the types of arguments passed to the DSL and on the types of projected values for more information.

within/withinAny for the range predicate

The range predicate can now accept multiple ranges, matching the document when the value is within at least one of the provided ranges.

List<Book> hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
        .where( f -> f.range().field( "pageCount" )
                        Range.between( 200, 250 ),
                        Range.between( 500, 800 )
                ) )
        .fetchHits( 20 );

queryString/simpleQueryString predicates for numeric/date fields

simpleQueryString and queryString can now be applied to numeric and date fields.

List<Book> hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
        .where( f -> f.queryString()
                .field( "numberOfPages" )
                .matching( "[350 TO 800]" )
        .fetchHits( 20 );

See corresponding sections in simpleQueryString queryString documentation for details.

match predicate and minimum number of terms that should match

With the introduction of the minimumShouldMatch option, similar to the ones already available for the bool, queryString, simpleQueryString predicates, it is now possible to require that an arbitrary number of terms from the match string are present in the document in order for the match predicate to match.

List<Book> hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
        .where( f -> f.match()
                .field( "title" )
                .matching( "investigation detective automatic" )
                .minimumShouldMatchNumber( 2 ) ) (1)
        .fetchHits( 20 ); (2)
1 At least two terms must match for this predicate to match.
2 All returned hits will match at least two of the terms: their titles will match either investigation and detective, investigation and automatic, detective and automatic, or all three of these terms.

Basic support for parameters at the query level

A number of withParameters(..) methods were introduced to the Search DSL. Through them, it is now possible to construct aggregations, predicates, projections, and sorts using query parameters. These can be helpful when there is a need to use the same parameter in multiple parts of the query or when the same query has to be executed for various parameter values.

SearchScope<Book> scope = searchSession.scope( Book.class );
SearchPredicateFactory factory = scope.predicate();
SearchPredicate predefinedPredicate = factory.withParameters(
        params -> factory.bool() (1)
                .should( factory.match().field( "title" )
                        .matching( params.get( "title-param", String.class ) ) ) (2)
                .filter( factory.match().field( "genre" )
                        .matching( params.get( "genre-param", Genre.class ) ) ) (3)

List<Book> crimeBooks = searchSession.search( Book.class )
        .where( predefinedPredicate ) (4)
        .param( "title-param", "robot" )  (5)
        .param( "genre-param", Genre.CRIME_FICTION )
        .fetchHits( 20 );

List<Book> scienceFictionBooks = searchSession.search( Book.class )
        .where( predefinedPredicate ) (6)
        .param( "title-param", "spaceship" ) (7)
        .param( "genre-param", Genre.SCIENCE_FICTION )
        .fetchHits( 20 );
1 Start creating the .withParameters() predicate.
2 Access the query parameter title-param of String type when constructing the predicate.
3 Access the query parameter genre-param of Genre enum type when constructing the predicate.
4 Use the predefined, parameterized predicate in a query.
5 Set parameters required by the predicate at the query level.
6 Reuse the predefined, parameterized predicate in a query.
7 Set a different pair of parameters required by the predicate at the query level.

@DistanceProjection to map a constructor parameter to a distance projection

With the introduction of the query parameters, it is now possible to define a @DistanceProjection that can be used in the projection constructors.

public record MyAuthorPlaceProjection(
        @DistanceProjection( (1)
                fromParam = "point-param", (2)
                path = "placeOfBirth") (3)
        Double distance ) {
1 Annotate the parameter that should receive the distance value with @DistanceProjection.
2 Specify the query parameter that will be used to calculate the distance from.
3 Optionally, customize the path, since most likely the GeoPoint property of the entity will have a different name from the distance property in a projection.
List<MyAuthorPlaceProjection> hits = searchSession.search( Author.class )
        .select( MyAuthorPlaceProjection.class )
        .where( f -> f.matchAll() )
        .param( "point-param", GeoPoint.of( latitude, longitude ) ) (1)
        .fetchHits( 20 );
1 Pass a query parameter value, with the same name point-param as in the @DistanceProjection fromParam of a projection constructor.

Document tree projection

With the Lucene backend, requesting a document tree projection is now possible. This new .documentTree() projection returns the matched document as a tree containing native Lucene Document and corresponding nested tree nodes.

List<DocumentTree> hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
        .extension( LuceneExtension.get() )
        .select( f -> f.documentTree() )
        .where( f -> f.matchAll() )
        .fetchHits( 20 );

DocumentTree documentTree = hits.get( 0 );
Document rootDocument = documentTree.document();
Map<String, Collection<DocumentTree>> nestedDocuments = documentTree.nested();
// ...

Other improvements and bug fixes

  • HSEARCH-5170: Fix a potential issue when setting an association to null before removing an entity may not trigger indexing

  • HSEARCH-5161: Prevent mass indexer from dropping the schema on start when requested but multitenancy is configured.

  • HSEARCH-5162: Ensure that Hibernate Search works correctly when Hibernate ORM’s JPA compliance is enabled (hibernate.jpa.compliance.query=true).

  • HSEARCH-5107/HSEARCH-5108: Close Lucene index readers sooner.

  • HSEARCH-4572: Using SearchPredicate/SearchProjection/SearchSort with a broader scope than the search query.

  • HSEARCH-4929: Add an option to drop and create the schema when starting mass indexing using Jakarta Batch integration.

  • HSEARCH-4963: API to run analysis on a given String.

  • HSEARCH-5006: Non-string tenant identifiers

  • HSEARCH-5016: Allow binding a @HighlightProjection to a single-valued String (instead of List<String>) when using numberOfFragments(1)

  • HSEARCH-5039: Fix the tenant filter for knn predicates and use it as a filter for knn predicates

  • HSEARCH-5124: Jakarta Batch Job parameter purgeAllOnStart will now only purge the documents of the types specified in the entityTypes instead of purging all documents.

What’s new compared to Hibernate Search 7.2.0.CR1

How to get this release

All details are available and up to date on the dedicated page on hibernate.org.

Getting started, migrating

For new applications, refer to the getting started guide:

For existing applications, Hibernate Search 7.2 is a drop-in replacement for 7.1, assuming you also upgrade the dependencies. Information about deprecated configuration and API is included in the migration guide.

Feedback, issues, ideas?

To get in touch, use the following channels:

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