The first candidate release!


Support for UserCollectionType using either @CollectionType or @CollectionTypeRegistration.

See the User Guide for details

User Guide

The User Guide has been undergoing a refresh over the last few 6.0 releases. Still a little more work to be done, but it is looking good.

Migration Guide

The Migration Guide was given a lot of love between Beta3 and CR1.

Deprecation Removals

Many deprecations from version 5.x and earlier have been removed.

Review API, SPI and Internal distinctions

API, SPI and Internal distinctions were reviewed and corrections were made through a number of methods.

For quick reference, we mean:


Anything we expect the application will use directly (Session, e.g.)


Anything we expect integrations will use directly (SessionImplementor, TypeContributor, etc.)


Anything considered for internal use by Hibernate itself

Years ago we began moving to a split package approach for highlighting this distinction -

  • A package-path ending with .internal (org.hibernate.internal, e.g) is considered Internal

  • A package-path ending with .spi (org.hibernate.spi, e.g.) is considered SPI

  • A package-path ending in neither (org.hibernate, e.g.) is considered API

Mass moving packages is disruptive for Hibernate development as well as consumers and integrations. It is still the preferred approach but, due to the disruption aspect, we try to limit that to packages that have not yet been re-organized and that we are actively working on for that particular version (the org.hibernate.query package this release, e.g.).

To help make this distinction when we don’t want to re-organize the packages, as well as to allow more granularity, the @Internal annotation is used to mark something (package, class, method, etc.) as Internal.

We also use @Incubating to indicate that something (package, class, method, etc.) is considered incubating.


Another focus for development has been both the Hibernate test-suite and the Jakarta Persistence TCK.

The TCK results are difficult to see given how it stores the results. But as of today we are down to roughly 50 remaining failures!

More information

Also check out the release page.

To get in touch, use the usual channels as discussed on

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