Hibernate ORM 6.0.0.Beta3 has been released. Just in time for the holidays!

We are especially excited for this release because it feels like the last beta on the long journey it has taken to develop 6.0. Lots of work has gone into Beta3, but like Beta2 most of that work has been behind the scenes. A few specific things of note:


We have defined a new approach to supplying custom IdentifierGenerator implementations and allowing configuration of those implementations in a very type-safe way. This leverages meta-annotations which we have (finally) been embracing much more in 6.0. The @IdGeneratorType is applied to the custom IdentifierGenerator implementation. The implementation is then instantiated passing the custom annotation the defines the IdentifierGenerator configuration (along with some contextual details). For example, a custom sequence-based IdentifierGenerator might be defined as -

@IdGeneratorType( SimpleSequenceGenerator.class )
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})
public @interface Sequence {
        String name();
        int startWith() default 1;
        int incrementBy() default 50;

class SimpleSequenceGenerator implements IdentifierGenerator {

     * The constructor signature Hibernate will use to
     * instantiate your custom generator.
        public SimpleSequenceGenerator(
            Sequence configAnnotation,
            Member annotatedMember,
            CustomIdGeneratorCreationContext context) {


Hibernate has for many years supported multi-tenancy based on separate catalogs and schemas. 6.0 adds the ability to use column-based multi-tenancy via the new @TenantId attribute used to mark the attribute that defines the tenant. E.g.

public class Account {
    @Id Long id;
    @TenantId String tenantId;

It works in combination with the org.hibernate.context.spi.CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver contract to determine the tenant-id to use.


Another new meta-annotation added in 6.0 is @AttributeBinderType which allows customization of how mapping of an attribute is defined. It declares an implementation of org.hibernate.tuple.AttributeBinder which can bind or mutate Hibernate’s boot-time metamodel (the org.hibernate.mapping package).

This is a very powerful, albeit low-level approach to integrating with Hibernate for rich models. See the User Guide for more information.

Default catalog and schema

Handling of default catalog and schema has been made more consistent. See https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-14921 and https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-14922 for details.

Work on Migration Guide

As we get closer to Final, the migration guide will become more and more important. We spent time this release getting better content into the migration guide.

More information

Also check out the release page.

To get in touch, use the usual channels as discussed on https://hibernate.org/community/

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