Hibernate Validator is the reference implementation for the Bean Validation specification. For more information, see Hibernate Validator on hibernate.org.

As of now, you are probably aware of the Jakarta EE 9 effort that aims to provide new foundations for EE innovation.

Jakarta EE 9 is an iterative release on top of EE 8 with the main purpose of renaming all the javax. packages to the jakarta. packages.

For a while, we will provide equivalent Hibernate Validator versions for both EE 8 and EE 9: Hibernate Validator 6.x will keep the javax. packages while Hibernate Validator 7.x moved to the jakarta. packages.

Full transition in the Java ecosystem will take months if not years given how many libraries depend on the javax.* packages, that’s why we will maintain both in parallel and why we are releasing two new versions today.

To sum it up:

  • if you are using the javax.* packages, the 6.2 part of this announcement is for you,

  • if you are transitioning to Jakarta EE 9 and jakarta.* packages, 7.0 is the version you should use.

Being consistent about either using the javax.* packages or the jakarta.* is important, so only upgrade to Hibernate Validator 7 if you can migrate your entire stack to Jakarta EE 9.

If you can’t, you should keep using Hibernate Validator 6.x.

If you use Dependabot and want to stay on 6.x, post a comment containing @dependabot ignore this major version in the Hibernate Validator 7 upgrade pull request.

7 specific changes

Hibernate Validator 7 is the Reference Implementation of Jakarta Bean Validation 3, which is part of Jakarta EE 9.

This means that it makes use of the jakarta.validation package.

Also the namespaces for XML configuration files have changed:

Again, only upgrade to 7 if you want to migrate your entire stack to Jakarta EE 9.

What’s new in both 7 and 6.2

Expression Language

In Hibernate Validator, for all the built-in constraint messages to be properly interpolated, you need an Expression Language implementation in your classpath, as some of the default messages use Expression Language features.

These messages are part of your code so having Expression Language interpolate these messages is not an issue.

The thing is that when creating custom violations with message templates via a ConstraintValidatorContext, these messages are also interpolated by the Expression Language engine.

In most cases, it is safe. But if you are including user input in your message template, you need to be extra careful as you need to escape the user input using addExpressionVariable().

We already discussed a CVE related to that here: https://in.relation.to/2020/05/07/hibernate-validator-615-6020-released/ . At the time, we decided that it was a normal behavior, very similar to SQL injection: you need to escape your parameters in a similar way than when writing SQL. We also made the existing documentation clearer and the warning more prominent.

We recently had a new report of a commonly used library not being careful about that. And this raised another issue that we missed before: there is no spec-compliant way to be safe. The only way to be safe is to use a Hibernate Validator-specific API. Which means that it is not implementation-agnostic and might be an issue if you plan to support both Hibernate Validator and Apache BVal.

This made reconsider the situation and we decided to deeply change the way Expression Language is handled in Hibernate Validator, with the main changes being:

  • Expression Language is disabled by default for custom violations i.e. the ones you create from a ConstraintValidatorContext.

  • You can enable it on a case per case basis, meaning you can enable EL for one specific custom violation while staying safe.

  • Even for constraint messages, it is not allowed anymore to call bean methods in your expressions by default. You can access bean properties but not call bean methods.

  • You can fine-tune the EL features you want to enable for constraints and for custom violations separately.

We introduced the notion of Expression Language feature level which defines which features of the Expression Language engine are enabled.

We currently accept four values for this feature level:

  • NONE: Expression Language interpolation is fully disabled.

  • VARIABLES: Allow interpolation of the variables injected via addExpressionVariable(), resources bundles and usage of the formatter object.

  • BEAN_PROPERTIES: Allow everything VARIABLES allows plus the interpolation of bean properties.

  • BEAN_METHODS: Also allow execution of bean methods. Can be considered safe for hardcoded constraint messages but not for custom violations where extra care is required.

BEAN_PROPERTIES is the default value for constraints.

NONE is the default value for custom violations. If enabled locally without specifying a feature level, it will use the VARIABLES feature level.

The example below shows how to enable Expression Language for a custom violation:

public class SafeValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ZipCode, String> {

    public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
        if ( value == null ) {
            return true;

        HibernateConstraintValidatorContext hibernateContext = context.unwrap(
                HibernateConstraintValidatorContext.class );

        if ( isInvalid( value ) ) {
                    .addExpressionVariable( "validatedValue", value )
                    .buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate( "${validatedValue} is not a valid ZIP code" )
                    .enableExpressionLanguage() (1)

            return false;

        return true;

    private boolean isInvalid(String value) {
        // ...
        return false;
1 Enable Expression Language support with the default feature level for custom violations: VARIABLES.

Note that you can define a more permissive feature level if required. But be very cautious and use addExpressionVariable() if you include user input into your message template.

You can learn more about all of this in the documentation:

While absolutely not recommended, you can go back to the previous behavior without changing your code by using the two properties described at the end of this paragraph of our documentation.

@SafeHtml removal

The @SafeHtml constraint was planned for removal for a while.

It has been dropped from both 6.2 and 7 with no replacement.

New @INN constraint

A new Russian-specific constraint - @INN - was added allowing to validate Russian taxpayer identification numbers.

Built-in ValueExtractors set up without reflection

We had a report that a method of the reflection API we use to set up ValueExtractors (which are used to support container element constraints e.g. List<@NotNull String>) are not supported by the Android Java flavor.

To mitigate this situation, the built-in ValueExtractors are now set up without using reflection.

Custom ValueExtractors' setup still requires reflection so there is a good chance they won’t work on Android.

Getting 6.2.0.Final

To get the release with Maven, Gradle etc. use the GAV coordinates org.hibernate.validator:{hibernate-validator|hibernate-validator-cdi|hibernate-validator-annotation-processor}:6.2.0.Final. Note that the group id has changed from org.hibernate (Hibernate Validator 5 and earlier) to org.hibernate.validator (from Hibernate Validator 6 onwards).

Alternatively, a distribution bundle containing all the bits is provided on SourceForge (TAR.GZ, ZIP).

Getting 7.0.0.Final

To get the release with Maven, Gradle etc. use the GAV coordinates org.hibernate.validator:{hibernate-validator|hibernate-validator-cdi|hibernate-validator-annotation-processor}:7.0.0.Final. Note that the group id has changed from org.hibernate (Hibernate Validator 5 and earlier) to org.hibernate.validator (from Hibernate Validator 6 onwards).

Alternatively, a distribution bundle containing all the bits is provided on SourceForge (TAR.GZ, ZIP).

Feedback, issues, ideas?

To get in touch, use the usual channels:

What’s next?

Depending on the feedback we get on these two Candidate Releases, we will release both Finals in the coming weeks.

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