Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.


This article explains how the JPA Persistence Context works as well as the entity state transition operations.

When using Hibernate, you can easily implement a multitenancy architecture. This article explains how the catalog-based multitenancy works and why you should consider it for database systems like MySQL or MariaDB.

Simon Wirtz wrote a very comprehensive tutorial about developing a JPA and Hibernate application with Kotlin. If you are planning on using Kotlin, you should definitely read Simon’s tutorial.

This article explains how you can set up Spring to use Ehcache in order to speed up data access layer operations. This is an alternative to the Hibernate second-level cache and can be used at the service-layer level to cache entire reporting aggregates resulted after intensive data processing.

While Hibernate OGM is the typical solution for persisting JPA entities in Redis, this article explains how you do that with Hibernate ORM via the CData JDBC Driver for Redis. If you are already using Hibernate ORM in your project and need to integrate Redis into your application stack, the CData JDBC Driver is worth considering.

Time to upgrade

There were several Hibernate project releases since the last newsletter:

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