In this post, I’d like you to meet Anghel Leonard, a software developer, blogger, book author, and Java EE aficionado.

Hi, Leonard. Would you like to introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your developer experience?
Hi Vlad, thanks for having me. My name is Anghel Leonard (@anghelleonard on Twitter), I’m living in a small village in Romania, and I’ve been a software developer for the last 17 years, mainly focusing on Java and Web development. I’m also a blogger and author of several books.
My career started as a Java developer in the oil field (Petrom S.A.). Mainly there I’ve been part of the team whose goal was to develop applications in the oil simulation field (Java desktop applications meant apply some specific mathematical models). After some time, we switched to web applications (based on HTML, Servlets /JSP and Struts) and we brought databases into the equation as well (especially MySQL and Visual FoxPro). About then I’ve started with Hibernate ORM, "native" API.
Shortly, I’ve started to learn Java EE (mainly, JSF, EJB, and JPA) and Spring. Further, I’ve worked for many years in GIS field developing RIA and SPA web applications. Since then I’m constantly using Hibernate implementation of the Java Persistence API (JPA) specification. By their nature, GIS RIA/SPA applications process a lot of data (spatial and non-spatial data) and must run fast, so I’ve always been interested to optimize the performance of the persistent layer. I can say that I’ve seen Hibernate "growing" and I’ve constantly tried to learn about every new feature and improvement it brought :)
Currently, I’m working as a Java CA. My main task here is to perform code reviews on a significant number of projects of different sizes, technologies, and areas of interest. Many of these projects use Hibernate "native" API and Hibernate JPA.
You are a very prolific writer, having published several books about JSF, Omnifaces, Hibernate, MongoDB and even JBoss Tools. Now that you are self-publishing your latest book, can you tell us the difference between working with a publisher and going on your own?
Well, I think that it is obvious that choosing between a publisher and self-publishing is a trade-off matter. From my experience, there are pros and cons on both sides and I can highlight the following aspects:
Publisher vs self-publishing pros:
publishers provide grammar and check spelling (this can be a major advantage for non-native English speakers, as me) and technical reviewers (usually, authors can recommend reviewers as well) while in self-publishing the author must take care of this aspects
publishers take care of book’s cover and index while in self-publishing the author must do it
publishers can consider the author very good and contact him for further contracts on the same topic while this is not true in self-publishing (at least, I did not hear of it)
publishers provide constant and consistent assistance during the writing process (e-mail or Skype) via editors, project coordinator, technical stuff, etc while in self-publishing this is not available
for authors is 100% costs free while in self-publishing the costs can seriously vary
publishers can be powerful brands on the market
Publisher vs self-publishing cons:
publishers can reject a book proposal for different reasons (e.g. they already have too many books on the suggested topic) while in self-publishing the chances to be accepted are significantly bigger
publishers work only with deadlines (each chapter has a fixed date and the book has a fixed calendar) while is self-publishing the author decides when to release an updated version and how significant the update will be
publishers provide "Errata" for book issues (typos, mistakes, technical leaks, content accuracy issues, etc) and those issues can be fixed only in subsequent versions of the book while in self-publishing the author can fix issues immediately and repeatable
publishers usually pay significantly smaller royalties in comparison with self-publishing
typically, publishers pay royalties at every 6 months, while in self-publishing is more often
publishers are not quite flexible about the book size, aspect, format, writing style, etc while in self-publishing these coordinates are very flexible
publishers require to be the only owner of the book content and it is forbidden to publish it in any other place or form while in self-publishing this restriction is not always applied
publishers set the price of the book without consulting the author while in self-publishing the author sets the price (moreover, the author can choose the price in a range of values)
publishers decide the discounts and donations policy while in self-publishing the author can provide coupons, discounts and make donations.
Your latest book is called "Java Persistence Performance Illustrated Guide". Could you tell us more about this new project of yours?
Sure thing.
Well, in the beginning, the content of this new book was not meant to be part of any book. The story is like this: Over time, I have collected the best online articles about Java persistence layer (JPA, Hibernate, SQL, etc) and, on my desk, I have some of the most amazing books about these topics.
I think there is no surprise for you if I say that your blog and book, High-Performance Java Persistence, are major parts of this collection.
In order to mitigate the performance issues related to persistence layer, I strongly and constantly recommend these resources to developers involved in persistence layer, but the remaining question is: in a regular day of work, how the members of a team can quickly understand/recognize a performance issue in order to fix it?
Well, there is no time to study in that moment, so I decided to have a new approach: have drawn of a specific performance issue and for 5-15 minutes talk on that draw (after all, "a picture is worth a thousand words"). This way, the audience can quickly understand/recognize the issue and have the hints to fix it.
Further, I’ve published these draws on Twitter, where I was surprised to see that even without the words (the talk), they were appreciated. Well, over time I’ve collected a significant number of draws and people started asking me if I will publish them somewhere (I remember that we had a little talk about this on Twitter as well). And, this is how the idea of the book was born. :)
The main reason of choosing the self-publishing approach was the fact that I’m not constrained by fix deadlines. The only extra-effort I’ve done was to find somebody to make the cover - it was designed and drawn by an excellent painter, Mr. Barsan Florian.
Now, the goal of this book is to act as a quick illustrated guide for developers that need to deal with persistence layer performance issues (SQL, JDBC, JPA, Hibernate (most covered) and Hazelcast).
Each drawing is accompanied by a short description of the issue and the solution. It’s like "first-aid", a quick and condensed recipe that can be followed by an extended and comprehensive article with examples and benchmarks, as you have on your blog.
What are the main causes of performance related issues for a typical Java EE application and what should developers do to overcomes these problems?
Most of the applications that I reviewed are Java EE and Spring based applications. Since most of the performance penalties have their roots in the persistence layer, I tried to make a top 10 of the most frequent programming mistakes that cause them (this trend was computed from ~300 PRs in different projects and it is in progress):
Having long or useless transactions (e.g. using @Transactional at class level on Spring controllers that delegate tasks to "heavy" services or never interact with the database)
Avoiding PreparedStatement bind parameters and using "+" concatenations for setting parameters in SQL queries.
Fetching too much data from the database instead of using a combinations of DTO, LIMIT/ROWNUM/TOP and JOINs (e.g. in the worst scenario: a read-only query (marked as read-only or not) fetches all entities, a stream is created over the returned collection, and afterwards, the findFirst stream terminal operation is executed in order to fetch and use further a single entity).
Wrong configuration of batching (the team lives with the sensation that batching is working behind the scene, but they don’t check/inspect the actually SQLs and batch size)
Bad usage or missing transaction boundaries (e.g. omitting @Transactional for read-only queries or executing separate transactions for a bunch of SQL statements that must run in a single transaction)
Ignoring the fact that data is loaded eagerly.
Don’t rely on a pool connection or avoid tuning the pool connection (Flexy Pool should be promoted intensively). Even worse, increase the connections number to 300, 400.
Use unidirectional one-to-many associations with insert and delete entities operations
Using CriteriaBuilder for all SQL statements and rely on whatever is generated behind the scene
Lack of knowledge about Hibernate features (e.g. attributes lazy loading, bytecode enhancement, delay DB connection acquisition, suppress sending DISTINCT to the database, etc)
We always value feedback from our users, so can you tell us what you’d like us to improve or are there features that we should add support for?
First I want to congratulate the whole Hibernate team because is doing a great job! I really love the latest features and the comprehensive improvements in documentation. Taking into account the type of applications that I’m involved in, I will like to see the Hibernate - CDI integration ready.
Thank you, Leonard, for taking your time. It is a great honor to have you here. To reach Leonard, you can follow him on Twitter.