Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum, and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.
C2B2 and Red Hat are hosting a Hibernate Q&A event, so if you are in London on May 24th, you now have the opportunity of meeting some of the developers that are behind Hibernate ORM, OGM, Search, and Validator.
Thorben Janssen wrote a very good article about joining unrelated entities using JPA and the new Hibernate 5.1 new joining feature.
For out Portuguese readers, Emmanuel Neri wrote a short article about mapping
with Hibernate 4 and Spring. While Hibernate 5 already comes with thehibernate-java8
module, for Hibernate 4 you need to use a JPA converter or a Hibernate custom type. -
I wrote a guide about calling SQL Server stored procedure from Hibernate, and another article about logging JDBC statements along with their bind parameter values.
The Devoxx France 2016 videos are available on YouTube, so, if you know French, you should definitely watch Emmanuel Bernard' talks on Hibernate projects latest features, as well as the one about the Elasticsearch support that is being integrated into Hibernate Search.
If you want to learn how to boost your data access layer performance, you should check my High-Performance Hibernate talk as well.