Starting this year, we are hosting a series of articles focused on the Hibernate community. We share blog posts, forum and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.


A very interesting project is Apache Trafodion, which aims to build a transactional SQL engine on top of Hadoop. We’d like to thanks the Trafodion team for writing a Hibernate Dialect, therefore making it possible to access Hadoop from a Hibernate data access layer. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Thorben Janssen wrote an article about calling native SQL queries from JPA.

Romain Manni-Bucau demonstrates how you can integrate JPA pagination with Java 8 Streams.

Michael J. Simons, who gave us the idea of writing the JPA test case templates, describes the EuregJUG site architecture which, along other open-source frameworks, makes use of Hibernate for accessing data.

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