Hibernate Validator is the reference implementation for the Bean Validation specification. For more information, see Hibernate Validator on hibernate.org.

Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.CR1 is finally ready for download via the JBoss Maven Repository or SourceForge. We promise you won't have to wait so long for 4.2.0.Final. In total we addressed 28 issues. Most of the issues where minor bug fixes, documentation and code refactorings. Thanks you everyone providing bug reports and helping us to make Validator even better :-)

The biggest change is the ability to now also configure method level validation programmatically. To implement this in an unambiguous way we had to make yet some more changes to the programmatic API. Remember how the programmatic API looked like in Beta2? Here is an example:

ConstraintMapping mapping = new ConstraintMapping();
mapping.type( Car.class )
    .property( "manufacturer", FIELD )
        .constraint( NotNullDef.class )
    .property( "licensePlate", FIELD )
        .constraint( NotNullDef.class )
        .constraint( SizeDef.class )
            .min( 2 )
            .max( 14 )
    .property( "seatCount", FIELD )
        .constraint( MinDef.class )
            .value ( 2 )
.type( RentalCar.class )
    .property( "rentalStation", METHOD)
        .constraint( NotNullDef.class ); 

With the CR1 API the same example looks like:

ConstraintMapping mapping = new ConstraintMapping();
mapping.type( Car.class )
    .property( "manufacturer", FIELD )
        .constraint( new NotNullDef() )
    .property( "licensePlate", FIELD )
        .constraint( new NotNullDef() )
        .constraint( new SizeDef()
            .min( 2 )
            .max( 14 ) )
    .property( "seatCount", FIELD )
        .constraint( new MinDef()
            .value ( 2 ) )
.type( RentalCar.class )
    .property( "rentalStation", METHOD )
        .constraint( new NotNullDef() ); 

As you can see the difference is that you now have to instantiate the definition classes. That's all. Not too bad, right? Programmatic method level validation looks like this:

ConstraintMapping mapping = new ConstraintMapping();
mapping.type( Car.class )
    .method( "drive", String.class, Integer.class )
        .parameter( 0 )
            .constraint( new NotNullDef() )
            .constraint( new MinDef().value ( 1 ) )
        .parameter( 1 )
            .constraint( new NotNullDef() )
            .constraint( new NotNullDef() )
    .method( "check" )
            .constraint( new NotNullDef() );   

You find the full change log for this release here. Please provide feedback via the Validator Forum and the Jira issue tracker.

Thanks to Gunnar and Kevin to once more were driving most of the work.


P.S. If you have any opinion what should go into Bean Validation 1.1 let us know!

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