JBoss Marshalling 1.3.0 Final Release Candidate

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JBoss Marshalling 1.3.0 is about to land! The ninth (and probably final) release candidate for 1.3.0 has been made available for download. New in this version:

  • A complete object cloner API which can clone any object which is marshallable by the marshalling API
  • Version 3 of the River protocol, featuring even more compact representations of collection classes
  • Many more useful stream-oriented base classes which can be used by your application
  • The ability to override serializability for any class or object
  • New module-system-ready API for constructing MarshallerFactorys and finding implementations
  • An OSGi bundle containing the Marshalling API and implementations
  • Support for ObjectInput constructors in Externalizable classes

JBoss Marshalling is an object serialization library for Java which is fully compatible with Java serialization, yet outperforms it significantly and offers a vast array of additional customization and performance features. In addition it features the advanced River serialization protocol which is API-compatible with Java serialization yet far more space- and computation-efficient. It can be found in use within the excellent Infinispan project as well as finding heavy use in the upcoming JBoss AS 7 release.

The project can be found at JBoss.org. This release and others are available on the downloads page and in the JBoss Public Maven repository. The JavaDocs are online here. Give it a try and file and bugs you may find in JIRA. I plan to put out the 1.3.0 final release after JBossWorld next week.

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