I'm happy to announce the creation of the Boston JBoss User Group.
We are group of JBoss employees at the Westford, Red Hat office that have decided to create an user group for developers interested in JBoss development and JBoss.org projects.
The list of founders:
which is an impressive list considering the number of projects these people are involved with. The projects include JBoss Application Server, RESTEasy, EJB 3.x, ShrinkWrap, JBoss Bootstrap, EmbeddedAS, Teiid, JCA, Tattletale, Papaki and JBoss Profiler 2.
The user group will meet at Boston University on the second Tuesday of each month. All material for each meeting will be released under a Creative Commons license such that people unable to join a meeting can watch it later :)
Our first meeting will be Bill talking about his RESTEasy and REST-* projects on February 9th, 2010 at 6 PM. Pretty cool stuff, so drop by !
Sign up for our meetings at our homepage !