For those who are joining us at JBoss World in Chicago this week here are the talks that we are set to have about or touch upon JBoss Tools & Developer studio.
Wednesday we will have two labs on JBoss Developer Studio:
9:40 - 11:40 SOA and JBoss Developer Studio
by Jim Tyrell
15:20 - 17:20 Seam and JBoss Developer Studio
by Aaron Pestel
I and others from the team will be hanging around those labs to help out and answer questions.
We conclude Wednesday by having a BOF:
17:45 - 19:00 "Seam & JSR-299" by Dan, Pete, Gavin, Emmanuel , my self and special guests
Thursday I will be doing my main talk about current status and what is next:
10:50 - 11:50 "The JBoss Tools Project and JBoss Developer Studio"
Other talks will use JBoss Tools & Developer Studio during their main presentations, you can spot those in the full agenda.
Looking forward to meet everybody - don't be shy!
p.s. feel free to follow me and jbosstools at Twitter to get some live updates from the event.