JBoss Profiler 2.0 Beta4 is out

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It has been 6 months since the last JBoss Profiler 2.0 release, so I have tagged and uploaded JBoss Profiler 2.0 Beta4 to the web site.

Changes over the 2.0 Beta3 release include

  • Converted all reports to HTML
  • Converted documentation to Docbook and include it as PDF in distribution
  • Bug-fixes
  • Initial build environment (cmake) for the native backend (SVN only)

If you havn't looked at the JBoss Profiler 2 branch yet; here is a quick overview of its features

  • 100% Pure Java
  • Integration with JBoss Application Server 5.x and 4.2
  • Access through multiple protocols using JBoss Remoting (Socket, RMI, HTTP)
  • Reports (Overview, Packages, Classes, Methods, Hotspots, Caller, Wait time, PerThread, PerClass)
  • Able to specify method visibility (Global, Package, Class)
  • Component identification (POJO, Throwable, Java Enterprise 5 (EJB, Servlet, ...), 3rd party plugins (Hibernate, Seam)
  • Compare snapshots
  • Client (Command line, Ant integration)

A lot of features, so take a look and send us feedback through the forum.

The next development cycle will focus on the JSF/RichFaces web front-end and the native JVMTI/HPROF backend. Also the documentation could use a bit more work ;)

So if you are interested in helping out in ones of these areas

  • Web front-end using JSF / RichFaces
  • Native backend (did someone say C ?)
  • Documentation / Screenshots
  • Your own ideas

drop by the forum and let us know.

For Those About to Rock, We Salute You !

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